Thursday, January 13, 2011

Watch for the All-New Eat Local Blog

The time has come to shift our Salt Lake Eat Local space over to a new page. Ever since the Salt Lake Eat Local Challenge's inception, this blog has acted as our home base for sharing tips and information. However, the Challenger who initially set up this blog moved away some time ago, and we have been using a space without access to all of its features and options.

I am extremely grateful to have had access to this space, but the time has come to be able to use our blog more efficiently. Thus, I have been educating myself about the blogging world and am very excited to share the news that the new blog will be launching this month!

As you've probably noticed, there has been a great reduction in my posts lately as I plug away at setting up the other page. Do still keep an eye on the events listed in the left-hand column as I will keep those updated, but I will save my posting time to get the new blog up and running.

Watch here for the grand opening announcement!

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